
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Buckets have a Human List

I don't see the appeal of working as paparazzi, If I wanted to take photos of assholes I would have become a colonoscopy technician.

- Woman giving birth

Men, vaginas are like sausages, you'll be happier in the end if you just eat the final product without knowing what's gone into it

Can't believe Hollywood hasn't seized on the opportunity to name the upcoming Transformers 4 movie, Trans4mers.

Chinese Girl: "Oh ate wonton for free sex tonight call me"
Translation: 081 10 43629 Call me

New Recipe: 1. Fruit-roll up. 2. Place a layer of Nerds on it. 3. Put gummy snakes & bears on that. Roll it all up = sushi-roll.

Well cut my cock off and call me free willy

Ladies, I won't think any less of you for being a lesbian. In fact, I will probably think of you more.

Strongly considering a career change to become a window cleaner in Amsterdam.

I am eating healthy, there's pineapple on my pizza

Men: If you lose weight, you gain more penis.
Women: If you lose weight, you gain more penis.
In other news, I've figured out what the collective noun is for a parliament of penises.
(Ladies, is it okay to call a group of vaginas, a boxset?)

In a relationship there is no statute of limitations

Male urination is remarkably similar to attempting to control the movement of a shopping trolley.

I reckon supermarkets deliberately make their shopping carts shit, so you have to spend more time in the store, trying to get them to move where you want. One moment you're like "Let's go to checkout", next second "how did I end up at this aisle -oh hey that's on sale!"

It's always leg day when I have to spend time in a public restroom

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